That being said, I find myself alone in the middle of the day with two sleeping children, and a chance to catch up on blogging.
First- an envelope Will addressed to us as a school assignment. He knows our address, but I thought it was super cute that Blaine Avenue translated as "Blan Abenoo." This kid seriously makes me smile. Usually.
Next, a few snaps of Lydia's 2nd birthday. It came and went in a hurry. She had two small parties. She pretty much wasn't aware of the concept, but she does love to blow out candles. Here are the pics of her blowing out the candles on her donut cake, and her real birthday cake.
One night I found Will attempting to brush his teeth while holding the toothbrush with his feet. Lydia wanted to be part of the good times but she didn't quite get the joke, and ended up brushing her feet with her toothbrush.
First of all, since when does Lydia have hair?
Secondly, good gracious, those are some cute kids.
And thirdly, I always wanted to live on "Electric Avenue"...Blan Abenoo sounds even cooler.
Good for you for going "screen free." I go through spurts when I will try this, but for now, I need my PBS babysitter for my indulgent showers and afternoon naps.
I love Will's address. It is so funny to see how kids think words are spelled. You just sound it out right?
I like Lydia's doughnut cake - interesting, and the brushing of the teeth with with their feet - creative.
I'm glad to see things are going so great.
Love ya lady
Oh, by the way, Jana came home from her mission. She stopped by the day before she left to say good-bye. I told her to go find you.
Alison and Sandy!!! I found your blog through Barbies... you have such adorable kids! It's been a long long time, and I hope you are both doing well. It's great to see people from back in the day doing such wonderful things! Congrats on being such great parents and having such a beautiful family!
Your old Marriott friend,
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